Studying a long list of terms can be very difficult for some people. Luckily for me, I do not have this problem, but there is never a reason not to learn another good trick or two. Since I have my Psych test on Tuesday, I needed to try to develop ways to remember all of the terms, since there are so many. Although I am pretty stubborn in my ways, I decided to give these new tactics a chance to help me more efficiently study. Since I am more of an auditory/reading and writing learner, acronyms and rhymes are strategies that seem logical for me to have chosen.
With an acronym, one tries to create something easy to remember out of a long list of connected terms. For my Psych exam, I took groups of terms and bunched them into acronyms that both made sense for the material and something that would help me remember the terms. Unfortunately, I found this to be not as helpful as I would have hoped. Although an acronym helps me remember the term, it does not provide the depth that a graphic organizer does. The same was true for the rhymes as well. I do not find myself to be the most creative of people, but rather very concrete, so making something absurd to help me remember a concrete idea did not translate well. I feel like I was limited in my choices this week for ideas to try out for memorization, especially because I am very rooted in my own form of memorization. Although I did try, I could have also put in a little more effort into the acronyms, but I am just a stubborn person. Although my experience was not the greatest, my opinion should not shun the effectiveness of these strategies, especially for people with difficulty memorizing.
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