Saturday, February 19, 2011

Easy, Everyone... It's Just One Step!

Short story about last semester: I was taking CAS 100 and had received my graded essay draft for me to review it and let's just say that it wasn't very good. I have thought about dropping the class or continue my work thorough the semester. I kept on going, but I always taught that there could be more solutions that would have achieved more than those to simple ideas.

Luckily this semester, I'm taking the College Learning Strategies (CLS) class and various strategies have been shown for me to try. When I saw that there was a strategy that could help me to work on my small problems that could eventually grow BIG...

It all takes "One Step at a Time"

And that is the name of the strategy...

I decided to try it out, because the next time I have big problems with my classwork, I can establish various solutions that can work for me and can be beneficial to my GPA.

The idea is that you have to make a table like the one shown in the picture, describing the problem and the consequences this might have in the future. Then you can make possible solutions to the problem (up to 3 solutions) and finally choose what are you going to do.

I decided to use the strategy for my COM 107 class to increase my strategy for studying for my current events quizzes. I started by getting the problem that I really need to get better on the quiz. I listed the consequences of the problem like lowering my grade and not keeping up with current events. I did three solutions to the problem and ended up with printing the Front Page section on the web. It's more easier for me studying from there and saves me time from reading the printed version of the newspaper.

This strategy has worked for me and when I encounter a BIGGER problem than this one, I will really turn to this strategy to think about possible solutions to problems that I might have on my courses.

Now I want to know if you have done this strategy or have a better suggestion to implement this even better for me. What do you suggest??


  1. I liked the picture that you put it really made me want to read your blog.I used the Ranking Priorities strategy but I thought you did a good job of describing the one step at a time strategy I think I will use it for my WRT 205 class. If you are a linear leaner like me I would also suggest using the Is versus Want stratgey.

  2. I liked how you didn't quit and decided to look for more solutions for your problems. I have heard COM 107 can be a challenging course because of the quizzes but i really don't know how else you can study for the quiz except read the newspaper online everyday( which i imagine you have been doing). If you say that this method has been beneficial for you then continue doing it.
