Sunday, February 13, 2011

Frittering to Find Time

Fritter Finder the best method to use for those people who say "I DON'T HAVE TIME TO DO ANYTHING !". That is one of the biggest mistake's people say and honestly, I am one of them. I would procrastinate so much and leave all my assignments till the end of the day and stay up late till 2-3 in the morning completing my homework assignments. But now that i have found this strategy and used it for some of my course, it has become efficient to use and to look it for an idea what my week is and how will i use my time right.

Fritter Finder is an excellent method for exam preparation or time availability to catch up on readings, review notes before lecture or to do homework. To manage your time, Fritter finder allows you to visually see how much time you have available between, before or after classes. I didn't know how much time i had between classes to actually do some homework and fritter finder allowed me to see that and according to learning preferences, I am a visual learner so this was a perfect method for me to use in order to manage my time.

How to use this method ? First, write a schedule of your weekly classes from the time you wake up every day to when you are ready to go to sleep. Color the spaces of class time with different shades of color and the non-class time with a different color that represents your FREE time. Add the amount of FREE time, and from that time you can decide when you can use it to be productive. All the FREE time you find is the hours you frittered away.

This method is perfect for those who have a busy schedule like working jobs, extra curricular activities, sports, etc..

This method was really helpful for my Spanish 201 class and my Woman's Gender 201 class.

How ?

For my Spanish 201 class, i have to study every Monday and Thursday because my teacher gives out quizzes on those days. But for Monday and Wednesdays, i would have to do many readings for my WGS class, on top of that my 2 other classes assignments. So what i would do is on Monday and Wednesdays, between the classes of my SPA and CLS, I would have an hour break and i would do some readings for WGS in between classes instead of taking naps or socializing. By the time Tuesday would come, I wouldn't have a lot more readings to complete and I could study for my quizzes on Spanish. Instead of sleeping until class started, i can now wake up and review some of my Spanish notes or flashcards before my Sociology class started and then when Spanish class starts i can actually have a fresh memory of yesterday's lesson. The fritter finder also allowed me to find time to do my WGS assignment like essays. I could start doing the readings on Monday and then after all my classes i would start a rough draft on paper and then for Tuesday, bring in my rough draft to my professor to look over. By Wednesday, i would have the final draft and ready to graded.

I am planning on joining clubs such as community service since i have so much free time in my schedule and I plan on finding a job for this semester. With fritter finder, i can see what times are available so i can fit what i can do for non-school work.

So now that i think of it, I ALWAYS have time to do something during the week, i just got to fritter my time right !


  1. Great use of the Fritter Finder!! My suggestion is to figure out what time are the activities that you are planning to do so you can find out when are you going to be busy with those activities. In general, I liked a lot the strategy and I might use it for my daily activities and classes.

  2. I liked how you used bold words it made your blog really engaging. I am a visual learner too and I also liked the fritter finder because like you said it shows you how much free time you have. I was wondering what you didnt like about the fritter finder?

  3. @ Arielle, what i didnt like about the fritter finder is that it DID show how much time i had and it made me feel kinda stupid when i said i didn't have time -_- lol

  4. I agree with the point you made about this method being good for visual learners. What I personally liked about this method was that after I made it, I had a general idea about how my week would play out, I could see that I had classes at these times in blue, and I had important meetings or events at these times in green, and so on. This in turn helped me to remember these dates.
