Sunday, February 20, 2011

Problem Solving, One Step at a Time

Ever feel like the work is piling on and you are falling into a never ending abyss? I do, a lot of the time. It's Sunday at 3 PM, the next day you have a project due, and two tests. The weekend went to waste and you haven't prepared. I know that feeling. But before you fall into this pattern you have to take action, one step at a time.
ONE STEP AT A TIME: The one step at a time method is a strategy that places a focus on the consequences of a problem. When you examine the problem through the consequences, reality strikes in quickly, and you want to eliminate the problem quickly. Thus, possible strategy's are created and ultimately, the best strategy implemented. Thi
s method works wonders.
My Problem:
This week, I waited until the last minute to do my Buddhism readings, a poor decision. By noon, every Thursday, I am required to have completed a reflection about the readings for the week. This week, the readings were not only many in number, but very long. The social me decided to put this off to the last minute, but cramming Buddhism on a Wednesday night was not the ideal solution.

Tackling the Problem:
After CLS on Wednesday, I headed to the library to confront this issue. I laid out the consequences of what would happen if I did not hand in the reading by noon, Thursday.
1) I would not do the readings, not turn in a reflection, thus lowering my grade.
-Certainly this was not acceptable.
2) I would skim half the readings, thus compromising my knowledge of the materials, or write a poor reflection.
Then I made a list of possible solutions.
1) I could read an article from Blackboard and an article from the book then write about those.
2) I could split up the readings into chunks throughout the day, then write the reflection.
This seemed like a good idea, but still chunked a lot of work into one day. So I decided to tweak it. I would do as much of the readings over the course of three hours in the library. Anything I did not finish reading, would be covered on thursday. I then decided to leave the reflection for thursday morning. Some might question this decision, but it makes sense for me. I do not sleep late, so I might as well get a lot of work done in the morning. So I put this strategy into action, and through tough work and procrastination, I eventually got my reflection done on time.

Why it Works:
This strategy works because it places the consequences of your actions right in front of you. This method is especially good for people who tend to procrastinate, such as myself. Also, it inspires you to think of solutions quickly and makes waiting until the last minute seem like a bad option.

1 comment:

  1. Mike, I liked how you analyze your problem and decided to think of solutions on how you can fix it. I also liked the fact that you chunked the task to do you work which is great because i feel like if you have a lot of work to do in a certain course, it can benefit you by minizing the work each day.
