Saturday, February 26, 2011

Preping for your test for just 20 minutes !

Do you really want have a high grade for your exam but don't know how to study ?

What you can do is possibly try the strategy that i have been using called THE 20 MINUTE TEST PREP !

The 20 minute test prep is a strategy that helps you prepare before the big day of the exam and it also pushes you to study constantly without having to study for a long period of time. With the 20 min test prep, your memory improves because reviewing the information everyday allows your memory to recall the information faster.

Most likely, the question you are asking now is " HOW CAN I DO THIS " ?
The question you should be asking is "When can i do this"?

  1. After each class, you should spend at least 20 minutes reviewing the notes from lecture or reviewing your study aid, flashcards, topic outlines etc. (Doing so will develop a habit on reviewing.) If you have a back to back class then you can do at the end of the day. You can also review your notes from yesterday to refresh your memory. Always have your study aid, you can always have a little bit of time to review even if its taking a lunch break or so. Look at the syllabus as well to see what the pattern is. Ex. If it is on definitions, then focus your time studying the definitions.
  2. At the end of the week, you can spend 10 minutes reviewing the week of the course work and then another 10 minutes creating questions from your notes. After you can answer the questions without looking at your notes (sort of like jeopardy). Creating questions can also be the teachers questions on the test, you can do true/false questions, multiple choice, matching definitions or a short answer response. So if you have time, go to your teachers office hours and ask him/her if the question you've created will be on the test.
  3. After one to two weeks, create an outline that lists all your topics in the course that you have just learned. Review one topic at a time. This allows you to be organize and if you want you can even put the date.If you are given terms to learn, like the main topics, create study sheet that indicates the term, definition and example.
(Picture above. My best friend; Mr. Topic outline)
My experience using the 20 min test prep for my Sociology Class and Woman's Gender

Using the 20 minute test prep has forced me to review at least 20 minutes a day but not only does it help me review, it allows me to understand what the professors has said over their lecture. When I would go to my Sociology and Woman's Gender class, I would have a difficult time understanding the topics my professors would discuss and i would feel lost and confused in that class. For these classes, i created a topic outline and i listed the topics that was discussed each week, list the definitions and examples that was related to the readings as well. Using the 20 minute test prep, i would actually re-read it over and over and finally understand what the notes meant. After reviewing so many times, i wouldn't get stuck on recalling the information from before. The questions I had to create also made me think about all the concepts that i have just learned and forming to to one question which was often difficult but at the same time, it benefited for me. I would have a lot of breaks between my classes which i would use to socialize or eat. Now that i carry my study sheet or my flashcards with me, i study when i walk or when i go eat with my friends. Sometimes i even explain what i had learned in class so it can help me recall the information faster as well. For both of my classes, i would focus more on the readings and the definitions because on the syllabus it had little hints that the course would focus on those aspects. So word of advice; THE KEY TO KNOW WHAT'S GOING TO BE ON YOUR EXAM IS IN YOUR SYLLABUS !


What i liked most about this strategy was that it didn't take to much of my time. Before i would study for 12 hours straight before the day of the exam which HORRIBLE ! This strategy prepares me with managing time and helps me get a better grade, i mean who wouldn't want that ?


NONE.. seriously.


My sociology exam is on Monday and honestly i can say that I'm not nervous about it because this strategy has prepared me to take the exam and get a HIGH GRADE on it. Today was my last day to review so tomorrow, I'm just gonna reward myself with some relaxation and some fun time with my friends... hopefully they are not studying the last day before the exam though. Perhaps they should read this blog and put it to the test as well, wouldn't you ?


  1. Once again I really enjoyed reading your blog. I liked how you thoroughly described the 20 minute test prep I think you described it even better than the book did. I also like how you related how you used this test to study for your sociology exam. Good luck on your exam I know you will do well since you are using this strategy

  2. I really liked how you turned the 20 minute test prep into a super helper for your exam. You are going to do good on the exam with all the steps that you have taken. Good luck!
